Coach, CTE teacher returns to alma mater

N. Lewinson

Coach Brianna Massey assists a student.

Aneyelina Perez, Staff Writer

Coach Brianna Massey, the new freshman volleyball,  JV/varsity softball coach and CTE teacher, enjoys the feeling teaching gives her and the way she gets to interact with her students every day. 


The Jagwire: What’s your role at Summit? 

Brianna Massey: I teach child development and principles of human services. I also coach JV Volleyball and JV/Varsity Softball. 


TJ: Why did you become a teacher? 

BM: The teachers in my life made such an impact on me that I wanted to do the same.  


TJ: What college did you attend? What made you want to go there?

BM: I went to Stephen F. Austin for a year but quickly realized I liked the University of North Texas after a visit. I transferred the next year and stayed until I got my bachelor’s degree.  


TJ: How many years have you been teaching? Where else have you taught? BM: This is my 3rd year. I was at Richland High School for 2 years before Summit. 


TJ: What do you enjoy about Summit? 

BM: Community and Family. 


TJ: How did you get into education? 

BM: I realized the impact that teaching made on students and that I wanted a positive experience for students to learn and feel that they have a safe space.  


TJ: Why did you decide to teach at Summit? 

BM: I graduated from Summit, and it really built me into who I am today! I want others to see what I see in this school! 


TJ: What’s your favorite thing about teaching? 

BM: Learning new things everyday with the students! 


TJ: Do you have any children? How many? How old are they? OR Tell me about your family. 

BM: I have no children and I am not married. I do have a sweet dog that I adopted a year and a half ago! 


TJ: What is your least favorite thing about teaching? 

BM: Lesson plans and meetings!! 


TJ: When you were in high school, what was your plan for your future? 

BM: To go to college and learn to be independent. 


TJ: What’s your favorite grade to teach? Why? 

BM: High school. I like that they understand and want to learn! 


TJ: What other jobs did you have before becoming a teacher? 

BM: I worked as a Nanny and as a Daycare teacher. 


TJ: What kind of teacher would you describe yourself as? 

BM: Positive, kind, and understanding. 


TJ: What are your hobbies? 

BM: I love to relax at home and do house projects in my free time. 


TJ: Where did you grow up? What school did you attend? In what activities were you involved? 

BM: I grew up in Arlington, Tx. I went to Summit High School, and I was involved in sports. I played volleyball in middle school and part of high school, and I played softball from about 5 until I graduated high school!