Associate band director hopes to provide opportunities for students

Amari McDonald, Staff Writer

Ms.Beth Hermanson is the new Associate Director of Bands. She loves the band! It was always her favorite part of school and it gave her a lot of opportunities. She decided she wanted to teach others and hopefully provide them with the same (or even better) experiences!


The Jagwire: What college did you attend? What made you want to go there?

Ms.Beth Hermanson: Northern Arizona University. It was close enough to home but far away at the same time. They also had a really great Music Education program, and I loved the close-knit feel of the School of Music.


TJ: How many years have you been teaching? Where else have you taught?

BH: I’ve been in education for 12 years, with my 13th year being here at Summit High School! I taught for 10 years in Phoenix, AZ, where I taught Kindergarten through 12th grade (not all at the same time). My 11th and 12th year were spent at Texas Tech University. While I was getting my Master’s degree, I also taught college lecture and ensemble classes.


TJ: What do you enjoy about Summit?

BH: I love the students at Summit! I have really enjoyed all my interactions with students and feel so lucky to get to interact with my amazing students every day!


TJ: How did you get into education?

BH: I love band and I love teaching! I’ve always known this was what I wanted to do!


TJ: Why did you decide to teach at Summit?

BH: I have known the head band director at Summit since I was a sophomore in college. When he told me he was in need of an assistant director, I jumped at the opportunity!


TJ: What’s your favorite thing about teaching?

BH: Music! It’s different every day. We get to explore what makes us humans every day through the art that is music. I walk away every day exhausted but fulfilled!


TJ: Do you have any children? How many? How old are they? OR Tell me about your family. 

BH: No children, but I do have an amazing nephew! He is in 2nd grade and is so curious about life and learning. He has more energy than I’ve ever had in my life, and I think he’s the best!


TJ: Have you been in MISD in the past? Where were you in the past? OR where have worked in the past?

BH: I’ve never lived or worked in MISD before this year. I grew up in Phoenix, AZ, did my undergraduate degree in Flagstaff, AZ, worked in Phoenix for 10 years, then did my Master’s degree in Lubbock, TX, before moving to the DFW area.


TJ: What do you teach?

BH: I teach music through the medium of band!


TJ: When you were in high school, what was your plan for your future?

BH: My plan has always been to be a band director!


TJ: What’s your favorite grade to teach? Why?

BH: High school closely followed by middle school! Middle school is when everyone really starts to find themselves, and seeing that transformation is so fun!


TJ: What sports do you coach or activities do you lead?

BH: Marching band!


TJ: What other jobs did you have before becoming a teacher?

BH: I worked at the Boys and Girls Club, Old Navy, and Bed Bath and Beyond.


TJ: What kind of teacher would you describe yourself as?

BH: I try to be laid back, but I also have high standards, so can be strict when the standards (both academic and procedural) are not being met.


TJ: What are your hobbies?

BH: I love reading, seeing new movies, hiking, and trying new coffee shops!


TJ: Where did you grow up? What school did you attend? In what activities were you involved?

BH: I grew up in Phoenix, AZ. I attended Coronado High School in the Scottsdale Unified School District. I was in Band, Winterguard, and Indoor Percussion. Outside of school I was part of a dance studio and sang with the Phoenix Children’s Chorus.